I tend to find that for all the information the various blogging communities have, and all the tutorials, experiences, variety and awesome content users create, there's one stand out feature I love more than anything, and that's the bloggers themselves. The commitment to creating content, the social life they destroy just to stay alive on social media, there isn't enough praise and pride for them. I've shared various bloggers you should check out and follow, actually, I've done it twice, but there's another platform that expects the same level of commitment that I love just as equally, and that's Instagram.
Instagram is probably my favourite of the social medias, not from a promoting and marketing aspect, but from a personal joy and fulfillment aspect. I enjoy photography and I enjoy socialising and interacting with other users, but along the way, I've found many accounts I love, everything from their set-up to their props, to their shoots to themselves. Today, I wanted to share 50 (yes, 50!) #bookstagram accounts I love to follow on Instagram that you should seriously have in your feed too.

paperfury | girlinthepages | covertocover | kayliereviews | alyssareadsbooks2 | ethansbooks | karina_areaderunderthesea | bookteastationery | living_a_book_life | the.bibliophile.life

lisa_lostinlit | lostinlit_becca | reviews_from_a_bookworm | bookish_shelves | lonewolfbookworm | divingunderthecover | sreadsya | alyaofwinterfell | theloonytuney | paper_calypso

bookling.rockabelle | nextpageplease_ | divabooknerd | a_simple_bookdragon_ | thereaddict85 | thebookishambivert | little_bit_of_literature | bookosaurus_rex | addicted.reader | thebookishninja

the_girlygeek | readingatnight | booksensei_ | fourteenredroses | bookstatography | fictionalxutopia | bookaholic_____ | yabookaddict | bookvenger | eternityofreading

pandapages | emnemilysbooks | inkdusted | tea.reads | lighthearted_reads | jawdroppingbooks | booktineus | turning_pages_ | abookwanderer | thesecondbooktotheright
Well, there's definitely no fear of you saying you don't have many inspiring accounts to follow on Instagram anymore, as that's a A LOT. There are so many other #bookstagrammers that I follow, some with well over crazy numbers of followers, some I'm good friends with, some who need a supportive and nod and for someone to say 'keep on doing what you're doing, it's awesome', so I encourage you to share the love for you favourite instagrammers too.
Ah, I love these curated posts as well. So many people to follow now! I do have instagram and my handle is @mawamahima. My favourite bookstagrammers (you've already mentioned some of them!) include @tinybookreviews, @triinbooks, @xleptodactylous, @crimeofrhyme, @thecatsmiaw, and last but not least your boostagram account! :P
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Just followed a bunch of these accounts. Thanks for the mention, it means a lot!
ReplyDeleteThese are all so good! my instagram is @Inksplatteredpages
ReplyDeleteOhhh I love bookstagram. Unfortunately, I don't have one. And when I do get an Instagram (hopefully soon) it will probably be a mix of books and coffee and my typewriter. I definitely loooove Cait's Instagram. I'll have to check the rest of these people out. Thanks for sharing! :)
ReplyDeleteAHHHH I'M HONOURED TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS LIST, AMANDA. <333 THANK YOU. Especially amongst such awesome and amazing accounts. *shrieks* And there's several here I don't think I follow so I'll have to check them out immediately. :')
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS AWESOME. *follows one billion accounts* People are always talking about keeping "the ratio" so that you don't follow too many people but...yeah, nope, I don't even care. Too many pretty pictures to be discovering!! And thanks so much for including me :D
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty new to Instagram so THANK YOU because this list was just what I needed. I'm going to follow ALL THE ACCOUNTS. I'm @ingesbooks :D
ReplyDeleteI've just started a bookstagram and i am going to go and follow all these accounts! they are so pretty. I'm @_queenofthebooks_ if you wanted to see
ReplyDeleteI love this!!!
ReplyDeleteMy handle is @abookishcrime and I've just started out.
I love @eviebookish, @allypages, @crimebythebook, @paperfury and @librarycutie
Shoot me a follow and I'll follow you back! <3
I just followed many of these and I'm in love with their accounts already! My Instagram is @bookishbri13 and I'm just starting out in the bookstagram community, so follows would be very helpful.
ReplyDeletethank you so much for this. i am @fabfunmi on instagram. i think @celinereads is awesome
ReplyDeleteLove these! I am @HopieMelzz on Instagram. i really love @darkfaerietales_ and @haileyinbookland instagram accounts.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. I’m adding everyone now including those not the comments. My bookstagram is @nancyluvsbooks
ReplyDeleteيجب أن يكون هذا أحد أكثر محتويات الويب ذكاءً التي صادفتها في الآونة الأخيرة. يتشابه الأسلوب والتسليم مع NCLEX CERTIFICATE FOR SALE ONLINE التي تغير حياة الناس في الوقت الحالي. سأضع إشارة مرجعية على هذا الرابط حتى أتمكن دائمًا من العودة لمزيد من المحتوى الإعلامي. تحياتي لكم جميعا وسنة جديدة سعيدة