Monday 15 June 2015

Hide and Seek My Pretties! | The Find Me Book Tag

Okay okay, you caught me. I was never ever ever tagged for this tag and damn, I was disappointed about it. I've missed taking beautiful images of my beautiful books and now I'm getting back on my reading bandwagon, I'm back on the 'take photos of all my pretty books' bandwagon too. I just could not resist taking part in it myself. Here's my.. adequate, photography skills.

A Book With Sunset

I'm confident enough that Because You'll Never Meet Me is a sunset and not sunrise, because if it were sunrise, would you see the blue of the sky? Who knows, but this cover is so damn pretty. I still need to read this, although I plan on it this week and I'm still wary as hell about the weird ending, however, pretty cover is pretty and I'm glad I own it.

A Book With Water

I was so tempted to go with The Deep End of the Sea because man, that cover is so haunting and blue and water-filled and I'm excited to read it and just - but no, I went with Wake because I still need to start this series. Also, I am wary because bad reviews, so, should I take a shot, or let it swim away? You decide, tell me now people.

A Book With A Flower

No no, you don't understand. I meant to read this last summer. Now look at me. Still unread. WHY? I promise Dessen, I shall read you this summer. I loved This Lullaby, all of the feels, so I expect great things from Just Listen since it's loved by others more, I just need to actually sit and read you. I had so many other flower options, but this just said CHOOSE ME, so I did.

A Book With A Heart

Aha! None of this soppy show of romance from me, oh no. Flesh and Blood was gore and horrible and gruesome and grotesque and creepy and kept me up at night and made me feel all wibbly and horrified. Granted, young narrator, but still, mad doctors and crazy surgeries and just horror filled fabulousness. You seriously need to make time for this book, go buy it now --> QUICK!

A Book With 'Gone' In The Title

I confess, I picked this up during the film's release hype. Then I kept it thinking I'd read it. Now I sit and wonder if I ever will. Not that it doesn't interest me, I'm just, no motivated when I have other great reads. Also, why aren't there more 'Gone' books?

A Book With A Weapon

Oooo, one of my many books that I own that other people have never heard of, yay! Nobody's Princess is all mythology and Helen of Tory and a badass, clever, intelligent and beautiful woman getting what she wants out of life. Yeah, I haven't read it yet, but I just know, okay? I'm really excited to check out this womans work and see a before of Helen and Paris story. Why is still unread?

A Book With A Moon

Okay. So, I cheated. Sorry, but the only books that had anything that look liked a moon where Born Wicked (in which my Mother thought it was more sun, less moon), Night Circus (which had a crescent moon on it's spine, which was good, but not quite good enough), so I went straight to Fairest, aka TAKES PLACE ON THE MOON PEOPLE. Have I won? Did I do good?

A Book With A Girl In a White Dress

No seriously, my first thought for this prompt was Heavenly Fire, but low and behold, it is the only Mortal Instrument novel I don't own, (although I wouldn't call this a problem, I've sort of, gone off the whole Shadowhunter thing, except for Dominic Sherwood, I like me some of him) so I searched and searched and searched my shelves and found The Pledge. Not sure if it's a dress, but it's flowy and white and therefore now a dress, okay? Good.

A Book With A Couple Kissing

I remember getting this book off Charnell when I was really rather ill and squiffy, as I thought it would motivate me to read Pushing the Limits. Alas, both sit on my shelves, unread and unloved. I will work on this people, I promise, I'm just picky with my New Adult reads, and these seem.. predictably meh. Still, I shall try them. At some point..

A Book With Headphones

Do you understand just how many people have chosen This Song Will Save Your Live for this prompt? NEAR ENOUGH EVERYONE. I tried people, I really did. Nada. Nothing. Nil. I had no other books with headphones. How is this not a trend yet? So disappointed in myself.. *sulks in corner* I shall try and acquire more headphone books, okay?


There is no way I could do this tag and not add some incentive for you to do it. Have four more pretties!

A Book With Wings

Oooo, wings are an old trend on book covers until Angelfall brought it back into business. I confess, I liked Angelfall, but World After was baaaaaad in comparison. WHERE WAS RAFFE?! Okay, I talked about this calmly and professionally in my review (ha!) but still, it was an issue. I'm left unsure when I'll read End of Days. *sigh*

A Book With A Book

Now I tried to read New Girl a while ago (last year, shh..) and we didn't hit it off. Neither did Harbison and I with Anything To Have You, and yet, I still have it and want to give her many chances. WHY AMANDA, WHY? Hey, we all have that annoying monster that tells us we will one day get along. This is that monster.

A Book With A Door

Don't shout at me, but.. I still haven't read this book and I've had it since Christmas. *pats self down* I'm still alive, yay! No seriously, I read Taylor's story in My True Love Gave To Me and - what even was that story? I have no idea. I don't understand. Is all her work like that? If so, I'm not sure I want a piece of it. I like my books to be book like, not alphabet soup. Will this book make sense? *hides*

A Book With An Eye

I see you.. My wonderful, amazing, super duper co-blogger bought me this for Christmas aaaaaaaaand I still haven't read it. Sorry Stacie.. I plan on it though. Soon. It sounds fabulous, looks fabulous, has fabulous reviews, it's obviously going to be fabulous, right? God, who even knows, but I'm excited for it. I trust I will be a black sheep with Carter's work, I hope I am anyway.

I tag..

Zoey at Uncreatively Zoey
Lisa at Lost in Literature
Jess @ My Reading Dress
..and YOU!